Again Coffee Time

Coffee time

How to say no, Cristi, when you invited me for a cup of coffee? A friend in need is a friend indeed… 🙂

Definitely yes, even if i have to answer a series of questions like:

1. How many cups of coffee do you have a day?

Honestly… it depends of the day… usually three, but sometimes can be five or six. I know… is too much, but i love coffee!

2. What is your favourite caffeine delivery system?

Certain coffee.

3. What was your best cup of coffee?

Hmmm… It happen to say this almost every morning… The first is always the best!

4. What was your worst cup of coffee?

Well… I don’t like to remember it. Coffee with salt… made by myself. Was awful! 😦

5. What does your favourite mug say?

Enjoy Life Now!

6. How do you take your coffee?

Black with one sugar (brown if it can).

7. When was your first cup?

In high school. Early, i know…

8. Have you ever gone on a coffee or tea date?

Somehow, i can say yes. It’s a way to meet a new person.

Was funny… like we have stayed at the table and we were talking face to face. For today, that was my last cup of coffee.

Pay it forward to:

About … all…



Diana & Dan


Indelible Wisper

La Fee Blanche

Land of Fun


Petit’s Diary

Silance’s Blog

Smile Spring

Tea Coffee and Biscuits

Valeriu DG Barbu

Vicky Nanjappa

Let’s enjoy a cup of coffee together! 🙂

29 de gânduri despre „Again Coffee Time

  1. Pingback: Coffee Break | Crescentius

            1. bursucel Autor post

              Te cred, fie… Dar să știi de la mine… engleza e mai ușoară decât franceza… cel puțin din punct de vedere gramatical… 😉


            2. bursucel Autor post

              Cică… poți să pocești cuvintele în USA – îmi spunea un prieten care e stabilit acolo de ceva vreme – că americanii nu se supără… ba chiar se străduiesc să te priceapă… ;))


            3. bursucel Autor post

              Tre să-l faci tu însăți… nu e obligatoriu în engleză. L-am scris în engleză pentru ca asta fusese limba de editare a invitației de la Cristi…


Grăiește, nu-i bai!